Saturday, November 16, 2013

Verses on Arunachala (Self)

Beautiful Shiva-Parvati Arunachala Hill

Majestic Arunachala in the background of Tiruvannamalai Temple

If spurned by Thee, alas! what remains for me but the torment of my karma? What hope is left for me, O Arunachala?

In my unloving self Thou didst create a passion for Thee; therefore forsake me not, O Arunachala!

Unless Thou embrace me, I shall melt away in tears of anguish, O Arunachala!

Sit firmly on my mind lest it elude Thee and flee, O Arunachala!

Even my slanders treat as praise and guard me for ever as a devotee of Thine, I pray, O Arunachala!

Guard me lest I flounder storm-tossed like a ship without helmsman, O Arunachala!

Like a lodestone attracting iron, draw me to Thee and, holding me fast, do Thou unite me to Thee, O Arunachala!

Thou shinest selfless, sapping the pride of those who boast of their freewill, O Arunachala!

Show me how to abandon this worldly knowledge and acquire the saving Wisdom, O Arunachala!

Ocean of Grace in the form of a hill! Mercifully bestow Thy Grace on me, O Arunachala!

As (Universal Mother) it is Thy duty to dispense Thy grace and save me, Oh Arunachala!

Shine as my Guru, making me free from faults and worthy of Thy Grace, Oh Arunachala!

What value has this birth without knowledge born of Realization? It is not even worth speaking about, Oh Arunachala?

Unless Thou extend Thy hand of grace in mercy and embrace me, I am lost, Oh Arunachala!

I am a fool who prays only when overwhelmed (by misery), yet disappoint me not, Oh Arunachala!

Bless me that I may die without losing hold of Thee, or miserable is (my fate), Oh Arunachala!

Shine Thou for ever as the loving saviour of helpless suppliants like myself, Oh Arunachala!

Thou hast possessed me, unexorcisable Spirit, and made me mad for Thee, that I may cease to be a ghost (ego), O Arunachala!

When will waves of thought cease to rise? When shall I reach Thee, subtler than the subtle ether, O Arunachala?

If Thou sleepest blissfully in repose, what will become of me, O Arunachala?

Unattached to the physical frame composed of the five elements, let me for ever repose happy in the sight of Thy Splendour, O Arunachala!

Much more gracious and kind art Thou than one's own mother. Is this then Thy kindness, O Arunachala?

Unite with me to destroy our separate identities as Thou and bless me with the state of ever-vibrant joy, O Arunachala!

O Moon of Grace, with Thy cool rays as hands, open within me the ambrosial orifice and let my mind become calm, O Arunachala! 



In my unloving self Thou didst create a passion for Thee; therefore forsake me not, O Arunachala Siva!

Unless Thou embrace me, I shall melt away in tears of anguish, O Arunachala Siva!

Even my slanders treat as praise and guard me for ever as a devotee of Thine, I pray, O Arunachala Siva!

Shine as my Guru, making me free from faults and worthy of Thy Grace, O Arunachala Siva!

What value has this birth without knowledge born of Realization? It is not even worth speaking about, O Arunachala Siva?

Bless me that I may die without losing hold of Thee, O Arunachala Siva!

When will waves of thought cease to rise? When shall I reach Thee, subtler than the subtle ether, O Arunachala Siva?

Unattached to the physical frame composed of the five elements, let me for ever repose happy in the sight of Thy Splendour, O Arunachala Siva! 

Unite with me to destroy our separate identities as Thou and bless me with the state of ever-vibrant joy, O Arunachala Siva! 


- Quotes from 108 verses on Arunachala (Akshara Mana Malai - The Marital Garland of Letters), by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.

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